Nesta James

I was a sports teacher for thirty seven years with very little formal art education and the only Photography I knew was ‘point and shoot’! I enjoyed creating books from our travels and began to wish the images were of a higher quality.

The significant change for me occurred when I joined Colchester Photographic Society where I was introduced to a full Programme of Speakers and Competitions. The weekly dose of interesting talks from a wide range of people and feedback from judges over a number of years have helped me improve my technical competence and develop my own style of Photography.

Inspiration also came from informed visits to Museums, Galleries and Exhibitions.

I have had some success in having images shown at The East Anglian Federation Exhibition – both PDI and Prints.

I have only recently entered the world of Prints and learning about the impact of different types of paper on images has been fascinating!

Instagram: I display competition images on my Instagram page.


The Quality of Fine Art Prints at Artsy Image


Peter Porteous-Butler