Artists of Essex

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Tori Andrews

I come from a creative background and have over 30 years teaching experience within the music industry. My musical education saw me study with the ABRSM, VCM and the Barbican gaining my teaching training and a high level of performance achievements including a fellowship and degree in Music.

My interest photography began in my childhood when I was fascinated with my fathers SLR. I have always loved animals, and this has led me to travel across the world, photographing many rare species of birds and animals. I also enjoy photographing beloved domestic pets, and capturing their individual personalities.

I have since been a member of the Royal Photography Society, gaining recognition in their biennial exhibition and having my work displayed in their prestigious exhibition.

I have achieved my ABPE in photography, gaining nearly 500 acceptances in various exhibitions, including many awards nationally.

Internationally, I have gained my EFIAP along with many awarded images to fulfil this qualification.

Currently, my work is on display with The Photographic Imaging Co operative at Queensgate in Peterborough.

Within the animal kingdom is where my passion is now focused, producing work of high quality, that I would be proud to hang on a wall in my own home.

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